No one wants to think about a natural or man-made disaster effecting their lives or the lives of those they care about, but being in the insurance and real estate industry we know it is always advised to stay well informed and be well prepared. That is why for National Preparedness Month we have gathered information that you and your clients can use to educate yourselves on the resources that are currently available should an unexpected disaster hit close to home.

FEMA has information to help you prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters specific to your location. Use this website to find Texas disaster announcements, recovery centers, flood maps, fact sheets, FEMA contacts, grant information, and other resources.
Texas Parks & Wildlife
These wild fire management professionals have significant expertise not only in fire planning and operations, but in a range of scientific and technical areas, including fire science and ecology, smoke management, wildlife biology, forestry, and range conservation.
Ready is a national public service campaign designed to educate and empower the American people to prepare for, respond to and mitigate emergencies, including natural and man-made disasters. The goal of the campaign is to promote preparedness through public involvement.
Texas Health & Human Services
When a disaster strikes, state and federal assistance may be available to help coordinate and manage disaster behavioral health preparedness, response and recovery efforts during and after a local, state or federally declared emergency or disaster. These services include coordinating stress management and crisis counseling services at the local level.
Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs
Relief resources and information for homeowners and renters in federally declared disaster areas.
American Red Cross
If an emergency has forced you to evacuate your home, an American Red Cross shelter can provide a safe place to sleep, meals, snacks, water, first aid, mental health services, finding lost loved ones, access to case workers, childcare, laundry, and more.
The Disaster Assistance Improvement Program
The mission of the DAIP is to provide disaster survivors with information, support, services, and a means to access and apply for disaster assistance through joint data-sharing efforts between federal, tribal, state, local, and private sector partners.
At Willow Bend Title our clients are always top priority, even after they leave our closing table. Should you need additional information do not hesitate to reach out to your Escrow Officer and if you have not already done so be sure to read our other informative blogs, download our resource guides, browse our local business recommendations map, and follow us on social media to stay informed and educated.