With inventory flying off the market it came as no surprise to see an upward trend of homebuyers waiving home inspections to make their offers more appealing to Sellers. However, homebuyers who decided not to skip on their home inspections are more likely to be living happily ever in their dream home with less regrets and peace of mind.

Save Time & Money
Home inspections are an instrumental part of the home buying process that will save you time and money in the long run. A home inspection can range approximately $300 to $500 depending on size and age of the home. Consider this much cheaper than a surprise repair needed down the road that can be much more expensive.
For example, a home inspection provides a chance to locate any potential structural issues of the home that could costs thousands of dollars to fix. Proper insulation is another example that can save you on your monthly energy/utility costs. Let's not forget those lovely pest infestations or hidden mold growth issues that can rack up not just repair expenses but also doctor bills if you or your family become ill from them.
Besides peace of mind of costly repairs, another advantage of having a home inspection performed before you buy is the power it can give you to negotiate a lower price with the Seller. If a home you’re really interested in is not in your ideal price range, a home inspection may give you the bargaining power to talk down the price. Not only are you able to negotiate a lower price, but you can also include clauses in the contract requiring the Seller to make the repairs necessary before any money is exchanged.
A home is one of the largest investments most people ever make. The more you know before you buy, the fewer costly surprises there will be down the road. To sum things up, a home inspection is important because it allows you to really know what you’re buying and gives you peace of mind for what you are investing in.
If you are not sure who to use for your home inspection our team at Willow Bend Title is here to assist you during the closing process and will lead you in the right direction.